Hurricanes. Blizzards. Government Shutdowns. COVID-19. These are some of the things that people have endured over the course of years. It is easy to become an avid tv or social media watcher and get nervous. However, we put together a list of things you can do to rest and trust that things will get better.
In fact, we choose 31 ideas because this is something you can do for an entire month to spring clean your brand. By no means, do we hope life situations keep you from work, family or going after a dream.
Create/refresh your website. Push send on your e-book. Give out a gift card for your services. Purchase a gift card for a friend or family in need. Talk about how you feel. Apply for a business grant. Attend a business training. Create 1 new goal for the week.
Write as much content as you can for 30 mins⏳Update photos or your resume. Practice a new language. Create a how to video. Read 1 of the 500 books you have. Revamp your newsletter. Run errands for someone in need. Volunteer. Make a list of 10 things you are thankful for. Research new ways to enhance business. Cook your favorite meal 🥳Review your contacts/crisis plan. Write out a business wish list. Write and send thank you notes. Write out what you have achieved in your current role. Get an accountability partner because the work you do today may become less important by tomorrow. Relax and give yourself Grace. Host a lunch and learn. Review your business plan or create one. Create a business budget. Learn a new skill. Donate your services. Dedicate time to walking/dancing/yoga/etc. Take care of your staff (ask how they are doing, what do they need) Update photos. Update your social media