Hold On To Your Audience – Tips for using event platforms
- Light it up – Proper lighting can go a long way. You want to balance natural light with the lights you have at your studio, home or office. If you look washed out people will wonder what happened and if you aren’t well lit, people will certainly notice.
- Give instructions early – don’t want until the day of to send login information. This can lead to fussy guests as they try to figure it out. Instead, send the link days or even hours before so everyone can practice and have a smooth experience.
- Get people in the mood – I am a music fan! Upbeat, happy music can help your guests get in the zone for the event. Keep in mind, they signed up for the event/training/etc and you want to give them an experience. If you event is early or late in the day add music so they can relax, dance around or pat their foot as they wait for you or the event to start.
- Know when to leave – people can only take so much music, food, Zoom calls and more before they want to scream. Keep track of time so that you aren’t going over. If you event is two hours keep it two hours or shorter. Factor in a break so people can move around a bit without missing helpful information.