About project

Client: UNICEF Tap Water Project

UNICEF is one of the most trusted and respected organizations that provides humanitarian relief to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF raises funds by hosting events and activities that get the community involved.

Our Task Was

We were approached to plan the first World Water Week in Houston, TX, in which restaurant patrons would be asked if they would like to pay $1 for their Tap Water. Our task included public relations and media outreach, training volunteers to speak on behalf of UNICEF, sponsorship opportunities, restaurant solicitations and social media outreach.


After making the UNICEF message Houston specific, we saw an increase in monetary
donations and restaurant participation.


In all over 30 restaurants joined our efforts to promote clean drinking water. Our social media database grew by 51%, hundreds of tweets were sent out by celebrities and supporters of UNICEF as well as information on how to help, places to eat, ways to get involved and more on both the Houston UNICEF Page and the National Headquarters. In all, we had over $800,000 dollars in television airtime, including Ellen, The View, Racheal Ray and numerous newsletters locally, 1,000’s of tweets regarding World Water Week and hundreds of impressions. In all, it was a successful campaign that soon created another UNICEF Social Media Online Giving Campaign.