The latest from Vannessa Wade
The world is changing fast! Brands are often called upon to settle scores or to speak out on topics. So what is a brand to do? Risk it? Stay mum? Nothing? Good question. The key is for brands to know their audience and to know what makes their audience tick. Is it a social issue?…
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Most companies at one point or another embark on a rebranding effort or shift. Perhaps they are upgrading or removing services. Maybe they have a stronger niche or maybe just maybe they are ready to dissemble the market. Either way, it happens. Think about Amazon, at first it was books, now you can get shoes,…
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Have you ever thought about what you need in your Branding Toolkit? You know, the things that will help build and maintain your brand? It is not limited to a website or even a catchy tag line. It is about having the tools others will need to connect, hire or refer you. Let’s get to…
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The topic of branding reemerges on a weekly basis and for good reason. People often feel branding is relegated to a fresh tagline, sharp online photos and business cards. No, my friends that is not Branding. Branding is all about how the customer feels about what you do. So with so much information flying around,…
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